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I'm just me. nothing real special, but very different than anyone you've ever met i'm sure:)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Goals for NEXT WEEK

I have decided to try to make some new goals every week....lets see if i can actually achieve them!!!

1. If i can't say something nice, then i shouldn't say anything at ALL!!!

2. i can't wear any article of clothing twice ALL WEEK!!! this includes shoes and BELTS!!! gonna be tricky, but i think i can pull it off.

3. have to work out AT LEAST 30 minutes EVERY DAY!!!

4. can't eat out for the whole week, NO EXCEPTIONS!!!

5. NO CELL PHONE WHILE IN MY CAR!!!! this one is going to be the MOTHER of them all!!! this means no TEXTING or CALLING!!!!

Do you think i will be able to do it? we'll see wont we:) ...just sayin!!!

the goal i ALWAYS wanted to achieve, DENTAL SCHOOL!!! so these are some new goals that i KNOW i can do and be HAPPY DOING THEM!!!

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