About Me

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I'm just me. nothing real special, but very different than anyone you've ever met i'm sure:)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

My Requirements

Since there has recently been multiple things in the news lately about LDS men not getting married and how we put it off so much i felt it appropriate to share MY feeling on the topic.

I personally feel that i am the exception to this because i have dated and been pretty close to getting married, but the GIRLS didn't want it.

So, i felt that i should share what i am looking for in a woman AND what she can expect from ME.


I hear that i am picky...well that is NOT true. Here are some examples of what i'm looking for....

Height is not an issue. Tall or short: i like them all.
She also has to have FUN! not always be serious.

Skinny or curves. I like EITHER!!! and i'm a fan of the LONG dark hair, but i'm willing to negotiate.
And if she wants to work out with me, that is great! we'd have a TON of fun:)

So am i asking too much already? i don't think so!

Now, here's what you're gonna get if you decide that i am the guy for you.


I hear there is a language of love. Everyone shows there love in different ways. I tend to show mine by buying the girl things:
I have a thing for Tiffanys...so hope you like the box with the white bow.

I buy flowers just because they make you happy. i don't need a special occasion.

I love buying clothes. not just for myself, but for HER too.
and one day, that BIG DIAMOND RING:)

Things i like to do (and some MIGHT surprise you):

I'm a runner. I love to run in marathons and half marathons. I even to triathlons if you're interested.

i will get dirty.

I love adventure and i LOVE to travel to FUN places.

i will do ANYTHING to win a competition. just saying.
and, if you need some entertainment at night, i'm YOUR MAN!!!
I AM TAYLORSVILLE DAYZZ!!! you want in on this and i am the BEST connection to have.

some times i dress a little different. but i do have amazing style.


and finally, my friends are my family. so you have to be approved by ALL THEM before.
it's just the rule.

the original crew

the california crew
the ladies....they are the toughest ones:)

So that's it. now that i have put this out there, if you are interested then let me know. i am willing to do what it takes.